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@ TRINITYProjectsReport: 2012-2013Rising Stars

Rising Stars Youth Theatre @ Trinity

By September 10, 2014April 2nd, 2015No Comments
Our partnership with Trinity School, a school for disabled students in Dagenham, has been running since September 2011 and offers extra curriculum drama activities for 16-19 year olds aimed at developing independent living alongside leadership skills.


During the Summer Term, and working with students due to leave the school, we explored the issues of change and journey through shadow puppetry as a way to open up discussion about their next step and their feelings on it.


At the beginning of the new school year, and with a new cohort, the Autumn Term weekly sessions used puppetry to build team work and self confidence, as well as develop a foundation of drama skills and a group language.


As Spring Term started, the group worked very hard to devise and perform a short film around the theme of knights and royalty. Linked to some of the themes used in the other GSA performance groups, the film featured as part of our annual celebration event. Participants gained new skills in film making, acting for film, and costuming.