Associate ArLst ProgrammeProjectsReport: 2012-2013 Associate Artist Programme This year, Green Shoes Arts launched a pilot project funded by LBBD for our Associate…Green Shoes Arts EditorSeptember 10, 2014
Eclipse Youth Dance CompanyProjectsReport: 2012-2013 Eclipse Youth Dance Company This year, we began our full, ongoing dance leadership programme for 14-18 year olds. In…Green Shoes Arts EditorSeptember 10, 2014
Nature A Beautiful Spot to enjoy holiday Pastry pudding gummi bears danish wafer jujubes. Pie sugar plum oat cake bonbon marshmallow…Green Shoes Arts EditorMay 31, 2014
Music Piano and Guitar Donut jelly beans toffee cheesecake wafer dragée bonbon. Carrot cake caramels muffin macaroon bear claw.…Green Shoes Arts EditorMay 31, 2014
Post Formats WorldCup 2014 is just around the corner. Get Ready!!! Marzipan marshmallow cake danish powder pie lemon drops applicake. Pudding jujubes candy sesame snaps…Green Shoes Arts EditorMay 31, 2014
Music Audio Post Format Shoes Arts EditorMay 31, 2014